Eco-centric Fashion & Carbon Negative Art!
Process is an important part of my design practice. As an ecofeminist and artist, I deeply believe in social and environmental justice, and the biggest statement we can make is through our clothing. It was approximately 10,000 years ago when humans began to decorate themselves to symbolise and honour their beliefs...your clothing says a lot about what you care for!
I adore looking for the messages in street art, the political and social perspectives that are shared from the hearts of the people experiencing life. We've been sharing our news on walls for 32,000 years, and now the Earth is mark making too, with plastics in the strand line on beaches and raging fires scaring the land.
In a world where our social media posts and branded clothing express the message, what are you trying to say?
Our style can say a lot about who we are and our statement.
Creating feminist fashion, environmental protests & poetic pieces is our mission whilst maintaining that ethical fashion & sustainable culture is the core value.
This means removing nasty chemicals, items sent to landfill & reusing products throughout the entire design process, manufacture, sale and disposal.
When I paint, it is paint saved from landfill or natural, water based dyes. Fabrics, paper, plastics, canvas...everything is recycled, found upon beaches and litter thats been left. When it does it does have an end of life, it is recycled or repurposed.